misaki allows you to develop your own compiler. There are 3 function to construct misaki's compiler.
Start to develop†
You can use misaki-compiler-template as a template for misaki compiler.
misaki-compiler-template need to install lein-newnew.
$ lein new misaki-compiler YOUR_COMPILER_NAME $ cd YOUR_COMPILER_NAME
Namespace of core.clj must be misaki.compiler.YOUR-COMPIER-NAME.core
$ vi src/misaki/compiler/YOUR_COMPILER_NAME/core.clj
Then, edit core.clj as follows!
Simplest compiler sample†
Following compiler append (:text config)
to head of template file.
(ns misaki.compiler.YOUR_COMPILER_NAME.core "Namespace must be misaki.compiler.***.core '***' is a compiler name." (:require [misaki.server :as srv])) (defn -extension "Specify file extensions to watch in misaki." [] (list :txt)) (defn -config "If your compiler handles custom configuration, you can set original data in this function." [config] (assoc config :message "hello YOUR_COMPILER_NAME")) (defn -compiler "Called when watched files are updated. If you returns... * string : Write string to file named as same as template file. * boolean: Do nothing(true = success, false = fail). * symbol : Do nothing(skip) * map : Write file with detailed setting. `:status` -> Compile result(true(success), false(fail) or something else(skip)) `:filename` -> Filename to write `:body` -> Compiled body text. if body is nil, only status is checked `:stop-compile?` -> Flag(true/false) to stop all compilation `:all-compile?` -> Flag(true/false) to force compiling all templates" [config file] (str (:message config) " " (slurp file))) (defn -main "You can run misaki using this compiler with `lein run`." [& args] (apply srv/-main args))
Return file extension list to watch template file. This function is REQUIRED.
Basic config data is passed, and return customized config data. This function is OPTIONAL.
Updated file(java.io.File) is passed, and return compile result. This function is REQUIRED.
Return value specification is following.
- string
Write string to file which is named as same as template file.
(defn -compile [file] (str "hello " (slurp file))) ; foo.txt whose body is "world" is passed, ; result file is *public-dir*/foo.txt whose body is "hello world"
- boolean
misaki.core does not write file, only check compile result.
(defn -compile [file] (compile-in-compiler file) true) ; true => compile success ; false => compile failed
- symbol
misaki.core skip the file.
(defn -compile [file] (if-not (valid-file? file) 'skip)) ; Skip to compile file
- map
Write file with detailed setting.
(defn -compile [file] {; compile result :status true ; output filename :filename (str (.getName file) ".html") ; output body :body (str "hello " (slurp file)) ; flag to stop compilation :stop-compile? false ; flat to force compiling all templates :all-compile? false})
Test your compiler†
misaki provides utilities to test your own compiler.
(ns misaki.compiler.YOUR_COMPILER_NAME.core-test (:use clojure.test misaki.compiler.YOUR_COMPILER_NAME.core misaki.tester) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.java.io :as io])) ; set base directory which include _config.clj ; default testing base directory is "test" (set-base-dir! "test") ; define test wrapping config data as *config* ; ; This code is same as following: ; (deftest foo-test ; (binding [*base-dir* "test" ; *config* (get-config)] ; (is (= "hello" (:template-dir *config*))))) (deftest* -config-test ; get compiler's config which is customized by `-config` (is (= "hello" (:message (get-config))))) (deftest* -compile-test (let [in (template-file "foo.txt") out (public-file "foo.txt")] ; call `-compile` to test your compling (is (test-compile in)) (is (= "hello world" (str/trim (slurp out)))) (.delete out)))
Check misaki.tester to get detailed document.
Another compiler sample†
You can use misaki-clostache and misaki API as reference of developing misaki compiler.