Kind of compilers†
Now, there are 3 official compiler.
- default
- clostache
- copy
- cljs
Default compiler†
Explained in this document. S-expression to HTML compiler.
Clostache compiler†
HTML to HTML compiler using clostache.
If you are poor at S-exp, clostache compiler is good choice.
Clostache compiler is maintained at misaki-clostache,
Copy compiler†
File copying compiler. If you want to copy template file without changes, use this compiler.
Target template extension is *
(all extensions).
Copy compiler has custom option named :except-extensions
. If you specify this option in _config.clj, copy compiler except files which has specified extension.
{ ; other settings... ; excepting extensions ; (setting for copy compiler) :except-extensions [:jpg :png :gif] }
Cljs compiler†
ClojureScript compiler. clj file compiles to js. Detailed explanation is here.
Switch compiler†
Edit :compiler
setting in _config.clj
{ ; other settings... ; compiler setting :compiler "default" }
Use misaki-clostache†
Add misaki-clostache dependency.
{ :dependencies [ ; other dependencies [misaki-clostache "0.0.1-alpha"]] ; add misaki-clostache ; set clostache as compiler :compiler "clostache" }
$ lein deps $ lein run YOUR_SITE
Use multiple compilers†
You can use multiple compilers at the same time.
{ ; other settings... ; multiple compiler setting :compiler ["default" "copy"] }
In this case, default
compiler is called at first. If default
compiler returns success result, compiling template is finished.
If default
compiler skip to compile the template, copy
compiler is call.